Friday, January 13, 2012

End of the week

It's been a rough week to 'balance', but now that I am at home and on NyQuil (for the cold)I can say there are so many blessings in life amidst the sea of terrors.

Counting blessings has become a huge part of emotional balance for me. I am trying to not let my temper go, but instead see a blessing in disguise or at least an opportunity to pray. Do I execute this perfectly? No. I am trying though.

One story from this week comes to mind. B needed help getting her snow gear on. She was getting impatient with me and under her breath stated I was the worst nanny ever! Well, I had many options of reprimand to choose from, but given my health and vitality at this point in the day I let that one pass. However, while the kids were playing in the snow I thought it would be good to shovel out my car. A few minutes into my windshield scraping there were a few extra hands ands shovels voluntarily helping me free Flo, my car. What a blessing, to have two children forsake their ice fort in order to help the scorned nanny dig out her Flo.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

bodies have feelings too.

day two: STILL EXCITED....however....not as easy as it looks. 

Today, I started my life again. I'm back with the kids, back to running errands, and toilet cleaning, and potty training, and dog walking, and chicken baking, and homework tears drying, and little teeth brushing, and bed tucking, AND FINALLY....candelit yoga-ING. :) 

It is always great to end my day with vinyasa flow. It is meditative while it secretly kicks your ass. 

During class, I listened to my instructor speak from a book she has committed to reading every day this year as a part of a resolution list.  While relaxing in child's pose, she spoke to us of the conversations we consistently have with our bodies. Whether direct or passive our words and actions tell our bodies what we think of them. 

Frustration. Through this word or emotion, we tell our bodies and souls we are frustrated with them. 

Energy. Through this word, emotion, and action we provide a force that flows through all realms of mind, body, and spirit. 

For today, I choose to speak highly of and kindly to my temple. I choose to be thankful for the body I posses by cherishing and challenging it through weakness and strength. 

After all, bodies have feelings too. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

New New New

It is a new year.

Yes, there are resolutions. There are many resolutions.

As mentioned in my information, my theme for this year is growth. I hope to look back at these posts in the months to come with some joy. I, so, desire for my life to be filled with an energy that produces so much joy it spills into the lives of others without ever running dry. I need to rediscover the endorphins that produce vitality from the inside out.

In this pursuit, I have done a few things to encourage this positive energy. (One) I have returned to my vegan diet in the last few weeks. I was vegan for a year and half, but it became really hard with my job. Eventually, I started to feel destroyed inside. My conscious hurt because of my moral obligations, and my body hurt for it no longer desired or processed dairy properly. I am starting to feel much better. Returning to the natural, organic, and preservative free way of living always gives the body the hug it needs.:) (Two) I have joined corepower yoga. (!!!!!!!!Talk About Endorphins!!!!!!!!!!) I think committing to a practice that makes you nurture and challenge your body simultaneously connects you to the physical body like a friend. One come to care more about your body. Listening to its needs helps you encourage it to become strong. One starts to realize the connectedness between the body and spirit by clearing the muscles of stress and tension. Walking away from a stressful day with ease is key to preserving the energy the body needs.

99% of illness is related stress.

I am invigorated to contribute something small or a bit longer to this work on a daily basis. (fingers crossed)